Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

The latest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


A Palestinian rushes to the hospital after rescuing a man from the rubble of a building destroyed by Israeli bombing. Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip October 15, 2023 

In the ninth day of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the number of people killed on both sides has exceeded 3500. Now Israel is preparing to carry out ground and naval attacks as well as airstrikes against Hamas members in Gaza, Palestine. In the meantime, they have gathered hundreds of thousands of troops on the Gaza border. In this context, the latest news on this conflict and the activities of the international community around it are highlighted:

● Hundreds of thousands of Israeli troops are stationed on the Gaza border in preparation for a ground operation. Residents are fleeing northern Gaza to the south under the threat of their ground offensive.

 ● At least 2,329 people have been killed in Israeli bombings in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Authority. Israel killed more people in these eight days than the number of people who died in Palestine during the 51-day war in 2014. 

● The death toll from Hamas attacks in Israel exceeds 1,300. And Hamas fighters took 126 people from Israel as hostages in Gaza.

 ● Israeli law enforcement forces arrested more than half a hundred people in the West Bank of Palestine. The Palestinian news agency Wafa reported this information.

 ● One Israeli was killed and two others were injured in northern Israel after a missile fired from Lebanon.

 ● After the attack by the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah, Israel restricted the movement of people in a four-kilometer area along the country's border.

 ● Hamas says three of its fighters crossed into Israeli territory and were later killed amid rising tensions on the Israel-Lebanon border.

 ● United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the meeting with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh had a very fruitful discussion on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

 ● Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian met with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political wing of Hamas, in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

Commercial papaya cultivation! Stop unemployment!


Nutritional value:

Ripe papaya is a delicious fruit rich in vitamin A. Raw papaya contains a large amount of digestive substance called papain.

Medicinal properties:

Works to cure indigestion, worm infections, ulcers, skin lesions, eczema, kidney and stomach cancers.


Ripe papaya  what we can eat as a fruit and raw papaya as a vegetable.


1. Blood diarrhea:

Every morning 5/6 drops of raw papaya glue should be mixed with 5/6 lollipops. After 2/3 days of eating, the bleeding will continue to decrease.

2. Creamy:

In case it is any sort of worm, 15 drops of papaya paste and 1 teaspoon of nectar ought to be combined as one and eaten.. Then after half an hour you have to drink half a cup of high water and then 1 teaspoon of bakhari (it tastes like cucumber-milk) lime water. In this way, playing for 2 days will reduce the infestation of worms.

3. Dysentery:

If you have diarrhea and stomach ache, mix 30 drops of raw papaya glue and 1 teaspoon of lime water and eat it with a little milk. Once played, abdominal pain will be reduced and diarrhea will be reduced

4. In liver enlargement:

For this situation, blend 30 drops of papaya stick with a teaspoon of sugar and shake well in some water and take the combination 3 times each day. Liver growth will continue to decrease after 4/5 days, but it is better to eat 2 days a week after 5/6 days. In this way, good results can be obtained by playing for 1 month.

5. Appetite and digestion power:

Every morning 2/3 drops of papaya glue should be mixed with water and eaten. This will also increase appetite and digestion will be fine very much.

Papaya Cultivation

. Flatulence:

A few pieces of ripe papaya peel, and a little salt and a little pepper powder should be mixed together and eaten. This relieves flatulence.

. High fever:

One and a half teaspoon of papaya leaf juice mixed with one cup of water should be eaten. This will reduce the speed of fever, vomiting, headache, inflammation in the body. When the fever subsides, there is no need to eat.

. Menstruation stops:

For those who do not have time to stop menstruation but have stopped or not at all, 5/6 ripe papaya beech powder should be taken twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon with water. This will make the menstrual period go away in a few days, but if it stops for any other reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

9. Grandpa:

Whatever the type, raw papaya / tree glue should be applied to the ringworm, it should not be applied one day and the next day, it should be applied again the next day, in this way the ringworm will disappear after 3/4 days.

10. Eczema:

If the eczema is not dry or juicy, apply papaya glue every 1 or 2 days and its skin will become thinner as it rises.

11. If lice:

Mix 1 teaspoon of papaya glue with 7/8 teaspoon of water and beat it. Then apply the water on the hair and keep it for a while and then wash the head. In this way, if it is applied every one day or two days, the lice die.

Suitable land and soil:

High and medium elevation lands are good.

Breed contact:

Bari Papaya-1 (Royal Papaya):

The female and male flowers hold separate trees. Flowers appear 3-4 months after planting. The fruit starts to catch from the very bottom of the stem. Each fruit weighs 750-950 grams. Flowering occurs 3-4 months after planting, ripe papaya is collected 3-4 months after flowering in the plant. This variety bears fruit almost every year.

Seedling making:

Seedlings can be made from seeds. If you make four in a polythene bag, the seedlings will grow faster after planting.

Sapling planting:

Seedlings of one and a half to two months old enough are planted. Make a 2 feet hole around 2 meters away and fertilize the hole soil 15 days before planting. It is necessary to keep a 50 cm ditch between the two rows for drainage. The square method is followed for commercial papaya cultivation. Three holes have to be planted in each hole. The flower actually needs to be left with 1 female tree and the rest of the tree needs to be removed. To facilitate pollination, 10% male trees need to be kept in the garden.

Fertilizer management:

15 kg organic manure, 550 g urea fertilizer, 550 g TSP fertilizer, 550 g MOP fertilizer, 250 g gypsum fertilizer, 25 g borax fertilizer and 20 g zinc sulphate fertilizer should be applied well on each plant. All fertilizers except urea and MOP fertilizers should be applied during hole making. After planting the seedlings, the new leaves of the tree should be applied with 50 g of urea and MOP fertilizer every 1 month. The flowers on the tree are actually doubled in size.

Interim care:

If you feel sure to catch the fruit from the flower, you have to put one fruit on one stem and tear off the rest. The trees must be attached with bamboo posts so they don't break in the tempest.

Irrigation and weed management:

After planting the seedlings and applying fertilizer, water as required. 10 in the dry season

ভারতে বাংলাদেশি মেয়ের উপর যৌন নির্যাতন

মানব পাচার গ্যাং নেটওয়ার্ক ‘ভারত থেকে মধ্য প্রাচ্যে’

Sexual abuse of Bangladeshi girls in India

ভারতের একটি বাংলাদেশি কিশোরীর সাথে যৌন নির্যাতনের সাথে জড়িত ব্যক্তিরা হলেন একটি আন্তর্জাতিক মানব পাচারকারী চক্রের সদস্য। মধ্যপ্রাচ্য, ভারত এবং বাংলাদেশের বেশ কয়েকটি দেশ জুড়ে এই গ্যাংয়ের নেটওয়ার্ক ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে।

পুলিশ জানতে পেরেছিল, ভারতের বেঙ্গালুরুতে এই ঘটনায় গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া রিফাদুল ইসলাম হিদ্রয় ওরফে টিকটোক হৃদয় (২,) নামে বাংলাদেশি যুবক এই গ্যাংয়ের অন্যতম লঞ্চপিন।

শনিবার সন্ধ্যায় তেজগাঁও বিভাগ পুলিশের জেলা প্রশাসক মোঃ শহীদুল্লাহ তার কার্যালয়ে আয়োজিত এক সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এ তথ্য প্রকাশ করেন।

তিনি বলেছিলেন, টিকটোক হৃদয় বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণ-পূর্বাঞ্চলীয় জেলা এবং ভারতের কয়েকটি রাজ্যের কিছু অপরাধীদের সাথে মিলে এই দলটি গঠন করেছিলেন।

এই দলটি স্কুল ও কলেজের শিক্ষার্থীদের ‘টার্গেট’ করে।

পুলিশ কর্মকর্তা জানিয়েছেন, মানব পাচারকারীরা মেয়েদের প্ররোচিত করার জন্য একটি ফেসবুক গ্রুপ খোলে।


টিকটোক হৃদয় that গোষ্ঠীর একজন প্রশাসক। তারা টিকটোক ভিডিও তৈরি করে অল্প বয়সী মেয়েদের প্রলুব্ধ করত। এই গ্রুপটি গত বছরের শেষের দিকে Dhakaাকার উপকণ্ঠে একটি রিসর্টে একটি ‘পুল পার্টি’ আয়োজন করেছিল যেখানে প্রায় 700-800 যুবতী এবং ছেলেরা যোগ দিয়েছিল। দলটির নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছেন টিকটোক হৃদয়।

শহিদুল্লাহ বলেছেন, এই গ্রুপের কিছু সদস্য সুন্দরী বেতনে ভারতের সুপারমার্কেট, সুপার শপ এবং বিউটি পার্লারে চাকরি দেওয়ার জন্য মেয়েদের প্ররোচিত করে। এই দলটি ভারতের বেঙ্গালুরুতে অবস্থিত।

শহীদুল্লাহ যোগ করেছেন, মানব পাচারকারী এই দলটির ভারতের কয়েকটি হোটেলগুলির সাথে বোঝাপড়া রয়েছে, যেখানে তারা পাচার হওয়া মেয়েদের পাঠায়।

তারা দৃure়তার মধ্যে মেয়েদের অশ্লীল ভিডিও রেকর্ড করবে এবং তারা পালানোর চেষ্টা করলে তাদের পরিবারগুলিতে ভিডিওগুলি পাঠানোর হুমকি দেয়।

সম্প্রতি একটি বাংলাদেশি মেয়েকে নির্যাতনের একটি ভিডিও ভারত এবং বাংলাদেশের সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় ভাইরাল হয়েছিল।

আসাম পুলিশ অভিযুক্তদের সন্ধানের জন্য সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় প্রচারিত ভিডিও থেকে ক্লিপগুলি ভাগ করেছে এবং বেঙ্গালুরু শহর পুলিশ এই ঘটনায় জড়িত ছয়জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে।

বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ মগবাজার এলাকার টিকটোক হৃদয়কে অন্যতম অপরাধী হিসাবে চিহ্নিত করেছে।

ধর্ষণের শিকার শিশুটির বাবা পরে বৃহস্পতিবার রাতে হাতিরঝিল থানায় মানব পাচার ও পর্নোগ্রাফি আইনে মামলা দায়ের করেন।

Girlাকায় রাস্তার ধারের শরবত বিক্রেতা বিক্রি করে ওই কিশোরীর বাবা জানিয়েছেন, টিকটোক হৃদয় প্রায় এক বছর আগে তার মেয়েকে মধ্য প্রাচ্যে প্রেরণ করার অজুহাতে ভারতে নিয়ে যান।

শহিদুল্লাহ বলেছেন, পুলিশ সদর দফতরের জাতীয় কেন্দ্রীয় ব্যুরো (এনসিবি) এর মাধ্যমে তারা অপরাধীদের ফিরিয়ে আনার চেষ্টা করছে।

Higher Education system in Bangladesh


Higher education implies the chance of the understudies in investigation in the colleges of various sorts. In Bangladesh, higher education is offered by two sorts of organizations: degree granting colleges and schools partnered with the National University. As of now, there are 35 public and 79 private colleges in our country. In addition, the quantity of schools giving higher education is 1400. Despite having a decent number of colleges and schools, a distraught group is noticed all over the place, particularly at the hour of admission to various courses. This is basically a direct result of the expanding number of understudies. Understudies typically think there is a sound climate for schooling in state funded colleges. Also, instructive use in state funded colleges is substantially less than that in private colleges. Thus, their best option is state funded colleges. Higher education is fundamental for the general improvement of a country. Without Higher education, a country stays in obscurity. In the challenge of the Higher education, I feel that our nation is as yet lingering behind. The foundations have not expanded with respect to the increment in the quantity of understudies.

The higher education is a education which is offered in University usually. It is also called tertiary education. Make a considerable lot of these arrangements hard to execute and uphold, they are at any rate a stage in the privilege the instruction arrangement of Bangladesh faces a huge test as an enormous populace, ineffectively taught and to a great extent ruined, and an absence of assets to address their necessities. Continuous enhancements are being made, yet the framework actually battles to address the issues of the Bangladeshi populace. A couple of insights will represent the extent of the test of schooling in Bangladesh. In a nation of just about 150 million, just 300,000 (one-fifth of one percent) have finished secondary school. The grown-up proficiency rate is underneath half (right down to 35% for ladies). 40% of kids won't ever walk inside a homeroom. What's more, what little assets are accessible for instruction are concentrated among the metropolitan tip top, so low-pay families infrequently see the advantage of schooling for their kids. 




The current higher education system has three separate tracks: General Education, Madrasah (strict) Education, and Technical/Vocational Education. Each track sends understudies through preschool, grade school and optional school, and sometimes there are universities accessible too. By and large, understudies go to whatever school is generally open – philosophy doesn't play as solid a job in the decision of a school as it does in some different nations, thus strict instruction is regular even among families that are not particularly devout. 

There is a sum of around 80 colleges in Bangladesh, a modest number given, that the number of inhabitants in the nation is more than twofold that of the UK or France. About half are controlled by the public authority, while the others are non-public schools, regardless, they serve solely the offspring of Bangladesh's little privileged. Sadly, absence of assets, absence of good administration, and the total shortfall of unified guideline have prompted a decrease in quality among most of these colleges since they were establishing during the 1980s (soon after Bangladesh won its freedom from Pakistan in 1971.). This thus causes understudies not to try applying or going to school in any event, whenever they have the chance to do as such, thus the pattern of helpless training proceeds. 

Luckily, the public authority of Bangladesh has found a way forceful ways to address this issue. School is currently obligatory until the 5th grade (albeit tremendous quantities of young youngsters will in any case, not go to on the grounds that the law isn't being authorized), and female understudies are being given unassuming payments to urge them to go to class and streamline the sex differences in proficiency and general instruction. Regardless of the way that absence of assets courses. However Higher education system is very useful for Bangladesh



What is online earning and how can we do income from online source ?

Online Earning Home

Earning cash has generally been related to and restricted to ancient 'offline' route. With the net taking up an oversized a part of our lives, additional individuals square measure wanting to ways that to earn cash on-line to extend their monetary inflows, with secondary financial gain streams.

You should be aware of the platform that you simply opt for. whereas there square measure various ways that to earn cash on-line, a number of these could be pretend. Also, don't expect to Earn a large quantity quickly once mistreatment on-line avenues to earn money

Online earning is a Money earning method by the sources of the internet. For this You have to have your own website, starting an online business or opting other options of online earning that are available on the internet. Online earning is very easy because you have no necessity investment or enough money for earn money. We seem that Online earning is one of the best way of making money apart from your basic income. We can define online earning better Because it is made using various sources of internet. Depending on the interest of people, online cash can be produced through online business, subsidiary promoting and through numerous alternate ways.

The life of a farmer who farms or cultivates the land for agricultural production in his or others field.

Bangladesh is agricultural countries .80% people are farmed. A farmer is a person who farms or cultivates the land for agricultural production in his or others field. In any agricultural country farmers keep a vital role to develop his country. The life of a farmer is very hard. Generally farmers are rich or poor. He works hard in the field from dawn to dusk. He wakes up early in the morning for doing the work and goes to the field to seed, to weed or to harvest. After finishing his work in the field, he comes back home in the evening (sunset). Most of the farmers don't have their own lands. They cultivate others land by any condition. The life of a farmer in our country is full of uncertainty (hesitation). Sometimes he spends his time in great joy if he can collect his crops from the field as well. Again, he often faces hard days if production of his crops falls because of natural calamities. When there is bumpy-crops, a farmer feels happy and when production of crops falls short of expectation, a farmer feels unhappy. As a whole, they don't lead a happy life.
Besides these the farmers ofBangladesh are not developed like another country.  Because the farmers cultivate the land with their cows. Now a days farmers use power tiller, tractor to cultivate the land. They use a shallow machine to supply water in their land. Mobile technology is very wonderful and a growing power in farming.  I can tell that the real power of mobile actually lies in using social media to connect agriculture to people .They aren’t familiar with farming.  There are types of farming I know nothing about and have connected with other farmers from all over the world for helping me learn. In the early 20th century, farms were more diverse than today. Most farmers raised lots of
Various kinds of crops and cared for many varied animals. Farmers planted oats, wheat, corn, and barley, and raised cattle and hogs. Women planted carrots, lettuce, pumpkins and large gardens of potatoes, radishes and beans. They also cared for chickens and sold eggs.
In the 20th century, as machinery developed, farmers began to produce bigger. For this they also tended to become less diverse. Many Iowa farmers raised just soybeans and corn. Others raised hogs or cattle with their field crops. However the people of the world depend on farmers. So farmers are the backbone of a nation. 

The life of farmer

Effects of Facebook which is a big social media platform in the world.

 Mark Zuckerberg is a founder of facebook who  has publicly apologised for the social-media platform's negative effects and asked for forgiveness for his bad  work.
Zuckerberg, 33, did not mention any specific reason of bad Effects of Facebook, however his apology came in the face of mounting evidence which People of Russia had used Facebook he created more than a decade ago to express propaganda and influence voter sentiment all to tip the US presidential election in Donald Trump's favour, Washington Post said.

He used his social media account and wrote, "For those I hurt this year, I ask forgiveness and I will try to be better." 
"Thus my work was used to divide people against bringins us together, Please pardon me and I will work to do better," he wrote in his brief post.
Earlier, Facebook had declared that it would be changed into Congress copies of more than 3,000 advertisements that a shadowy Russian company took with USD 100,000 from June 2015 to May 2017.
The ads were linked on 470 fake accounts likely operated out of Russia. In the last month,Alex Stamos, Facebook's chief security officer told  that the  majority of the ads didn't  mention the presidential election specifically , but it touched on divisive topics, such as LGBT rights, race, gun rights and immigration
At first Facebook had declined to share copies of the ads. He told that it would compromise user privacy, but Zuckerberg declared  a reversal of that decision on September 21, said the paper .
"I don't want anyone to use our tools for undermine democracy. That's not what we stand for," Zuckerberg had said in a Facebook Live video.
Zuckerberg had acknowledged that the amount of problems  of Facebook has uncovered is "relatively small", but  the company will have continued to investigate and enhance transparency on who buys political ads.
Facebook is used for a good communication, networking and planning events etc .As a social media platform facebook was designed to connect people and clearly,it achieves this in many ways. However, utility and popularity of facebook often faces its more psychologically damaging aspects. These are 1. addiction, isolation and 3.depression. Andreassen et al. (2012) published in Psychological Reports made a ‘Facebook Addiction Scale’. A group of Facebook users were asked some of questions and if their answer is correect at least four of the questions was ‘often’ or ‘very often’, these users were thought to be addicted. The participant was  told to answer how often the following have occured during the last year:

A lot of spending time for thinking about Facebook or planned use of Facebook?
•You will use Facebook for forgetting about personal problems?
•You will feel an urge to use Facebook more?
• You will become restless or troubled if you have been prohibited from using Facebook?
•You will Use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on your job/studies?
•You will try to cut down on the use of Facebook without your success? Again, if four out of six of these questions are answered with ‘often or ‘very often’, then a bad Facebook habit is not harmful, but it is addiction. So, you can remove the word ‘Facebook’ from every question and replace it with anything else which expresses habit-forming – gambling, sex, drugs – and the respective answers will also be a better indication of an addiction.
Personally, I could probably answer two or three of the questions with ‘often’, so I wouldn’t have a Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD), a term which is gaining popularity, but I might still have a Facebook habit. The fact that I feel a compulsion to check Facebook regularly and have trouble going one day except it suggests which I probably do have a Facebook habit. Surly I can tell that it’s the same for millions of other Facebook users. For a minority, the situation is a lot harmful. Some people do not just seem compelled to see Facebook, but their Facebook use has become so out of control that it comperes with work, studies, normal social functioning and  relationships . This is the point when a habit is changed into a pathological disorder  and an addiction.
A habit is not whereas not negative effects still. Feeling a compulsion to use Facebook, turning into restless whereas not it and being unable to cut down on but sometimes you utilize it'll stop you from doing loads of fulfilling activities. There was some extent when I by alternative restricted myself to use Facebook once daily, exclusively to look at for messages from friends or for updates on future events. I maintained it for a short while, but it completely was a acutely aware effort. presently I’ve found myself getting back to the habit of scrolling down the News Feed, wasting my time wanting into completely different people’s lives and gaining nothing positive from it. currently could be higher spent. it was found through useful resonance imaging scans that revealing knowledge regarding oneself is in and of itself appreciated. exploitation social media sites is addictive as a results of they enable us to do and do exactly this.
 This study provides proof for the concept that individuals place a high subjective price on opportunities to talk their thoughts and feelings to others that doing so acts on the reward systems in our brain. The useful resonance imaging scans discovered that this kind of self-disclosure can truly unhitch dopamine (the ‘pleasure chemical’) in our brain. I wouldn’t be afraid if future studies found that there is a unhitch of dopamine once one receives a notification on Facebook. we'd automatically register the notification as a response to our thoughts and feelings and dopamine could be free as a result. Another negative impact of Facebook, that in associate degree extremely suggests that stems from the matter of habitual use and addiction, is social isolation. The irony of Facebook is that it is a force for larger isolation and loneliness, still as larger property. Sure, Facebook can allow us to talk with previous friends, classmates and folk from all over the world, but the character of interaction on Facebook is motivating to loads of social isolation. instead of face-to-face interaction with people we have a tendency to all recognize well, we have a tendency to tend to ar content with cyber-interaction with people we have a tendency to tend to don’t apprehend that well. And albeit we have a tendency to tend to ar interacting with shut friends and family on Facebook, this will be still no substitute for real-life social interactions; the kind that our mind is double-geared towards. the matter with habitual or addictive Facebook use is that loads of people do come to easily settle for this as a substitute.
The longer we have a tendency to tend to pay among the synthetic social world of Facebook, the loads of isolated we'll become. we have a tendency to tend to ar a social species which we rely upon hearing another’s voice and seeing each other’s facial expressions and communication for proper human interaction. Facebook and completely different social media platforms merely don’t meet these wants. Furthermore, as future generations begin to use Facebook at a younger age, social skills that ar picked up from face-to-face interaction will become a lot of sturdy to develop. might social media, therefore, be half guilty for the rise in cases of social anxiety? that very same, similar worries were voiced regarding the phonephone. i think that social media absolutely can (and does) produce plenty individuals loads of socially isolated, but this does not mean that it can't be used responsibly associate degreed in an extremely helpful suggests that.
 This study, as an example, concludes that Facebook is helpful as a results of it'll manufacture and maintain ‘social capital’ (networks of relationships) and really contribute to psychological well-being throughout this suggests. The most obvious suggests that throughout that Facebook socially isolates us is that the suggests that throughout that we have a tendency to tend to obsessionally endure Facebook on our smartphones. In social things, even with our nighest friends and relations, we have a tendency to tend to just about instinctively reach for our smartphone to look at the most recent updates on Facebook.
Our attention is then affixed to the present screen, feeding us this cyber-reality and everything else around us becomes non-existent. I’m no exception to the present. but I still recognise but unnatural associate degreed depressing it's once a gaggle of people ar sitting in an extremely house or at a building or at a happening, and each one ar taciturnly peering into the lives of people they barely apprehend. auditory communication and social skills ar being worn by social media and smartphones. This increase in social isolation is psychologically harmful to us – being the social species that we have a tendency to tend to ar – and it should find yourself in us turning into loads of depressed.
 those who don’t use Facebook that typically, except to scan the posts and suppose the photos of others, ar doable to become loads of covetous, annoyed and have lower self-importance than loads of involved users. Most envied were the holiday photos that folk post, followed by social interactions, like a friend getting loads of birthday needs than you most likely did. This is fully completely different from ancient face-to-face relations, where envy results from the success, skills and possessions of others. On Facebook, envy can proliferate rather a lot of merely and will produce people feel loads of worse regarding their own lives. finally, Facebook, like all technological advances, has edges and risks; it merely depends on but we have a tendency to tend to use it.