write an email inviting members to participate in the cleanup of Central Park

QuestionAs president of the Springfield Residents Club, write an email inviting members to participate in the cleanup of Central Park and its surroundings on Sundays at 9:00 AM. Send an email to multiple recipients.


Date: 7/8/20XX

To: Raghuyadav@gmail.com

Copy to: Mishra_Raghav@gmail.com

Bcc: Brijesh Mohanty@gmail.com

Subject: hygiene campaign


I submit a request and invite participants in the central part of our colony to participate in the clean-up campaign next Sunday at 9:00 AM. Cleaning the garden and its surroundings. The initiative of the Prime Minister is greatly appreciated and we must contribute to this campaign. The necessary brooms have already been arranged. We eagerly await your participation.


Wise owner


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