A story about Christmas and a poor family
Long ago,Once upon a Christmas holiday there was a poor family.They were four persons Who were a mother and father and two little ones. The family was very poor and they had no place to live except in an old car out in the back streets. The men that knew of them didn't feel their situation because they didn't try to understand. The city people would call them names and point fingers at them.
One day the two little ones went up to their parents and asked, " Why do we dwell in a car and not in a home? Why don't we go to in school?" They had tears rolling down their cheeks.
Their parents sat them down, " Dear my children, we do not have these things because of not having our jobs. We have tried to hang on to our jobs. It seems the persons we always help are too worried. They worry about the way persons look and not the work itself. We have little money to buy new clothes. We've tried to ask people for help but we can't get it. That's why we aren't able to have the things that others have." The children understood and didn't ever ask again.
Their parents sent them to the car for going to bed. It was the next day and it was the mother's turn for going out and to see if anyone would hire her. There was no luck at all. So the mother and father sat down and told about what they could try to do about the problems and make their babies' dream come true.
That day a wealthy man, by the name of Joe, came into town. Joe had a lot of money in his pockets that he didn't know what to do with it all. Joe was the kind of person that couldn't have children. He wished that one day he could have children. He thought about adopting children some day. He wasn't quite sure what to do. Joe' had a heart of gold. He never thought about himself; he was always thinking of others and what they need.
As he was driving along this night he saw a family of four. They were choosing through the rubbish for food; to stay heat they stood by a flaming garbage bin. He detected that they were carrying rags. Their faces were dirty and their hair was messed extremely badly. Joe walked by and thought some additional concerning what he ought to do.
The next day the mother and father went bent on explore for work. it absolutely was coming back about to holiday and that they wished to do to search out work another time first and foremost had closed. Door to door they went. Every where they went they were booted out, rejected, and doors slammed in their faces.
Joe was to witness this and he felt bad truly. He couldn't believe how selfish the people who lived in town were. Joe wanted to do something about it. He thought for awhile, then he realized this family had something that he wanted and that was a family. Joe had something that they wanted. This was a home.
So Joe decided he would approach them. "I have been observance you since I came into city I have seen you and your wife trying to make a living but when you have not been able to find work, you can't make a living that way. I've been thinking for couple of days. I have something you want. This is a home. You have something that I want. This is a family.
I want to invite you into my home for Christmas. After Christmas if you desire to be a part of my family or should I tell if I could be apart of your family, we can discuss it" The family said, "Yes!" After Christmas they all expressed their opinion that they should become a family. The children began school. The parents got a job and they became very happy ever after.