The Purple Frog

A story about the purple frog

One gloomy, foggy day within the dark forest one thing strange happened. within the forest there lived a purple, legged frog. He can be found within the lake that was enclosed by trees and bushes. The frog was terribly lonely. at nighttime he was terribly frightened. He had nobody to play with.

This at some point a red grasshopper came hopping on. It saw the frog and it asked, "Why does one look thus sad?"

"I have no one to play with."

"My name is Jack and that i can play with you." aforesaid the grasshopper.

"Oh goody! My name is Eric and that i board this wild lake. I will swim all day and night if I want to. i am glad you're here as a result of I even have some games we will play. These games take 2 to play. i can not play them alone. we will play games like leapfrog and follow the leader. does one have an area to measure, Jack?"

"Well not very however i used to be hoping you'd let Pine Tree State keep here with you Eric."

"Well in fact you'll be able to stick with Pine Tree State," aforesaid Eric. "It's mealtime. come back and that i can show you wherever you'll be able to sit. After, we'll play follow the leader by jumping from pad to pad. Jack was curious. He asked Eric "What happened to your alternative leg?' Eric aforesaid, "Nothing happened to my leg. i used to be born this manner." therefore the leg wasn't remarked once more.

After dinner Eric and Jack compete all night until dawn. once the sun came up, Eric and Jack Sat by the lake curious what to try to to next. Eric recommended, "Let's go hopping around. We'll play follow the leader next."

The next day another frog came on.

The new frog aforesaid, "Hello, my name is Sabrina."

The purple frog aforesaid, "My name is Eric and this is often my friend Jack, the grasshopper. Then all of them went bent play within the bushes.

Before it got dark, all of them went back to the lake. Eric asked Jack and Sabrina to pay attention to what he was progressing to tell them. Eric and his friend, Jack, asked her if she needed stick with them!

"Of course!" she aforesaid.

The next morning the 3 of them saw lizard crawling up to them. all of them aforesaid, "Hello!" The lizard aforesaid, "My name is Tiffany." All 3 introduced themselves to Tiffany, the lizard.

Eric and Sabrina began to boost a family. on a daily basis Eric and Sabrina went for a swim with the kids. All of them had an honest time within the lake along. Sabrina and Tiffany stayed accessible the lake observance the kids whereas Eric and Jack went bent the bushes to visualize if there have been any insects they may get for supper for everybody. once they enjoyed their meal, they'd play.

One day Jack and Tiffany determined to measure away. all of them aforesaid bye to their friends and that they secure that they'd meet once more shortly.

Eric and Sabrina did their usual daily routine with the kids. The family compete leapfrog, had dinner and swam all day along. throughout the first evening, they'd tell the kids stories. Eric, Sabrina and their children lived merrily ever once.